Saturday, April 4, 2009

in a mess.

im in a mind is swirling in a circle.i reallly reallly realllly cant wait for this term to end.i cant wait for this friday to come so i can finally let loose and think straight once more.ive been really bad these couple of days,i've hurt the ppl i care about and i feel horrible about it.when there's too many things on my mind, i go haywire.i talk nonsense and spread such negative vibe onto them.and i wanna go threading coz my eyebrows's friggin bushy and cut my hair coz i now look like a banshee and i wanna shed some extra kilos coz i've been eating a lot.i say i m on a diet but i ate a whole friggin cake.not a slice but a whole cake.which is equivalent to 5 ppl's servings.and i wanna focus and actually read remains of the day coz i got a test this monday but i cant coz everytime i try to read i'll eventually sleep.

oh poo:(


Pana Sensei said...

u ate nasi lemak at 11pm bebe..

n i pon gaining lemak yg susa nk ditanggalkan ni..

aina said...

jom g gym fac nak

hajar :: aisyah said...

i've hurt ppl i love t0o..and it's not a good situation.or feeling.. sumhow,we hv each other to remind and be reminded


aina said...

what if the ppl doesnt wanna accept ur apology?:(

Pana Sensei said...

i maen basket mlm tadi..hoho
pastu now my muscle saket..haha

aina said...


waa.gler a pana.i pon la nk bersukan arini.ey jom g mkn nak on friday b4 u balik mlk.

Pana Sensei said...

haha..jom kite p mkn!!da lame i tak bg perot i mkn best2..

aina said...

bler balik mlk?