Wednesday, February 25, 2009

u've been missed

sorry bloggie for being too busy for u.being without u has been terrible,i've got no one to bitch to coz u know,i tend to word-vomit at times.i am now having the most annoying sore's a tickling sensation at the back of my mouth and it is uber annoying.(i havent used uber in such a long time)i feel like giving it a hard pang.oh and my computer has gone senile.i cant even switch it on,my whole family blames it on me coz i'm the only one who uses it and coz i tend to switch it on with my toe but hey,my toe needs it's regular wriggle too!and none of my family members wants to lend me their lappie/ about being if i have assignments that needs to be done, i have to go to my mum's office, the lab or cc.toodle dee doo.i wanna do research for my lit journals.

p.s-i havent read korang's blogs in such a long time.keep me updated yea.


Anonymous said...

we uber miss u too aina!
hope ur pc get well soon! (so that your toe could get its wiggly exercise)

AA said...

ur computer has gone senile? thats i can say i've heard it all...but maybe it's just upset that u use ur toe instead of fingers...

p/s: treat ur computers,PDAs and electronic gadgets with respect and love lest they start a revolution (O_O)

ayunimadarina said...


toe? comel. ptt la merajuk pn.

hey. kalo nk pinjam mine.

take it ok?

S.H.A.Z.A. said...

'talk ab0ut being stingy'

hahaha..dats funny..

aina said...

azie-i miss u three.i hope it gets well too.malas nak g cc

aina said...

syeikh-ur theory sounds a tad like animal farm.scary eyyy.mesti u hv read it kan?and yes my king,i shall treat all gadgets with love frm now on.

aina said...

teddy-uish.segan lah nak pinjam urs.thank u for the offer darling.takpe lab and cc pon jadi lah for the time being:)

aina said...

shaza-hahha.everyone in my hse is oo berkira byk sabar

AA said...

ahehe....x baca lg lah Animal theory is based on the Matrix Trilogy...

good for u my queen....8D