Sunday, January 23, 2011


it's been awhile since I last posted something here. ahh well, i was not in the mood for blogging. lately i noticed I'm becoming more pessimistic and negative. beats me why and it's affecting my behaviour and ehmmn... the number of friends.

one of my new year's resolutions is to bite my tongue and avoid being snappy.however, it seems that I have not been true to my resolution, as somehow this year I've gotten meaner. when people drop nasty comments, i just can't help but to think of mean comebacks and replies hence, I don't think twice before saying it. This is because the longer I take thinking for a comeback, the less nasty my comments will be. Hence, I would not be a worthy component for a tongue-lashing dual. I think it's truly unfair that I have to take all that crap from a person. I am human. I, too have feelings. Why must I tend to other's well being if I am not being respected. It's unfair and I certainly do not deserve to be a victim of your emotional outburst.sign me up for anger management!

fiuhhh. I just feel a loaded of anger being lifted upon my shoulders. how i miss blogging.